Why Turn to Pinterest for Marketing?

Pinterest used to be a place for you to find a new recipe, DIY project, or place to visit on vacation; but now Pinterest is a platform for marketers to make an unprecedented impact on their target audiences. While it isn’t top of mind when it comes to social media marketing, like Facebook or Twitter, Pinterest has shown some real results.

According to data published by Lyfe Marketing in 2018:

  • The online buying power of Pinterest visitors was over 2x that of the average internet user.
  • Pinterest was the 5th most visited social media platform when this data was published; now the Pew Research Center says it is 4th and continuing to climb.

How to use Pinterest as a Business

Your business should consistently create original posts and repin relevant posts from others. Consistency is key to building an audience. By pinning and repinning consistently, more people will see the content they want to follow.

If you are marketing your gym, for example, maybe create pins explaining healthy eating habits or ways to start a workout routine. Other users can share your pins, which creates more opportunities for everyone to engage with your brand.

When creating pins remember that you want them to be easily found by your target audience, so use keywords. When posting for your gym, if you make a pin on quick home workouts maybe title it “Easy At-Home Workouts,” rather than “Quick and Easy Forms of Excercise by Our Gym.”

The first ten or so pins on your page should be nothing short of outstanding. I should all be content that is relevant and helpful to your target audience. Try posting tutorials in which customers use your product, helpful tips, and tricks, etc. This foundation of content is the first impression your audience will have when opening your Pinterest profile and it should entice them to follow you for more content like what they see on your page. And If a pin of yours did exceptionally well give it some time and repin it.

Once you’ve created the foundation for your Pinterest presence you’re ready to begin marketing to your audience.

What makes Pinterest Ads different?

  • People on Pinterest are accustomed to buy products from the site.
  • 40% of users on Pinterest make $100,000 or more a year.
  • Pinterest has become a way for 93% of active users to research products before buying.

Rather than dodging ads left and right on Facebook, Pinterest users appreciate ads because of how the platform was designed. Ads such as this one from “Off!” appear just as a normal pin would with small print indicating it is an advertisement; however, unlike a typical ad, the content engages the target audience more than just showcasing a product. The ad is for an article describing games to play in the night outdoors. While playing these games users may need bug spray luckily they are already engaged with the brand “Off!”. With a few more clicks and a little bit of research, users have not only engaged with the advertisement and product that you wanted them to, but also the brand itself.

Marketing on Pinterest is one of the newest and seemingly most effective ways to reach your target audience. Consider what creating an account and generating helpful content may do for your brand next time you are looking to boost your presence. The boost you need might just be a few pins away!

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