St. Patrick’s Day Retail Trends

Retail Trends & Data

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday of it’s own and we wanted to outline some of it’s retail trends that we discovered on the website for the National Retail Foundation. 49% of Americans are expected to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in 2021 and they are expected to spend 5.14 Billion dollars. That is down a billion from 2020 but is still up from 2016 at 4.14 Billion. What will St. Patrick’s Day look like in a post-pandemic America?


Restaurants and Irish Pubs will have a harder time getting people to come out. In 2019, this article described St. Patrick’s Day as the “highest-grossing day of the year for U.S. bars and restaurants.” Of course, in a post-pandemic business environment, it’s unclear what type of event attendance we can expect. Are Americans ready to party? 

According to the National Retail Association, Americans ARE ready to party. 42%, up from 28 in 2020, of Americans are ready to gather in small intimate groups and maintain the tradition of drunken comradery that we’ve all come to expect. The only difference is this year, it’s not in a jam-packed-drunken stew of every Melissa, William, and Patrick for several miles but instead a jam-packed drunken stew of only your favorite Melissa, William, and Patrick. This year, home decorating and special dinners are on the rise and it’s clear that we’re definitely still celebrating.

Your favorite Irish pubs and restaurants still need our support. Many of them have experienced an incredible loss of revenue. If your favorite bar or restaurant IS still open, one way to support is with takeout. Corned beef hash travels well and it’s a safe bet your favorite pub is still serving it.

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