Social Media

What Apple’s New Update Means For Advertisers

Apple’s latest update, iOS 14.4, is coming out early next year. With that, they have updated their privacy policies to protect Apple users’ data. This includes mandating more transparency from apps on how they use customer data, as well as allowing users to opt-out of sharing their data.  For advertisers, especially those advertising on Facebook,

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Advertising on Instagram

 Instagram was founded ten years ago and has grown rapidly ever since. In 2019, it’s user base grew by 6.7%. This has made it a valuable platform for many brands, both organically and through paid content. So, should you be advertising on Instagram? Well, good news! You probably already are! Because Instagram is owned by

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Social Media Advertising

We’ve all seen ads while scrolling through our social media feeds. While you’re making your way through your Facebook or Twitter feed, liking and commenting on all your friends’ cute pictures of their dogs and sharing articles and photos, you’re also seeing ads. You know it’s an ad, but it’s not as invasive as some other

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